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Cow & Pig

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Cow: "That guy was a pig..." Cow: "Doesn't make him any less of a pig. Look at his nose!" Pig: "No he wasn't! He MADE music as we know it!" Pig: "He was a great icon and it's sad he passed away..." It's CUPN news channel. Click for a full image.

This is my internal struggle. (Read the dialog bouncing left-right-left-right)

CUPN news channel picture is courtesy of Fox News, ticker courtesy of the Onion (which had a ticker story about Jackson that I refused to use here: "BREAKING: Last Piece Of Michael Jackson Dies").

Also, because of this breaking news happening in the middle of a story arc (the theater trip, which admittedly wasn't planned out anyway), that arc has been postponed for this arc and the story so far has been retconned to where it hasn't yet happened (if it will at all). People reading this much later (which will be ALL of you) won't know what I'm talking about. :)

King of Pop or Pig?


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